“I was an interior decorator when the oil boom hit. I had to find something else to do. So instead of decorating houses, now I decorate people. I love it!” JoAnn Lane is just one of more than 90 vendors set up at the #nrhafuturity2019 in OKC.
This former Wrangler model started Mystique Accessories about 30 years ago.
“I took what I liked and put it all together. Everybody seems to like it. We make about a third of the jewelry, and then we get things from Italy, Germany, France, and Australia. We get things from different places that nobody else gets so we have unique items”
JoAnn’s been setting up a booth in the Jim Norick Coliseum during the NRHA Futurity for 28 years now.
“Reining is my favorite event. The people are so nice, and they’re from other countries so you get to hear all the dialects which makes it interesting and fun.”
Mainly attending horse events, JoAnn doesn’t enjoy the late nights of some shows. That’s not a problem with the Futurity, she said.
“This show has good hours. The management is nice, and everything seems to run along pretty smoothly.”
You won’t typically find JoAnn setting up a booth for anything that isn’t horse-related. It’s the people and the subject matter that bring her back year after year.
“The people are really honest—if I needed to run somewhere for a minute, I could ask a customer to watch my booth, and I know it would be fine. You can’t do that anywhere else.”